4 simple steps to start with Sustainability as a Small Biz
How can SMEs get started on sustainable business practises and seize the related business opportunities?
Luxury yarns, what is the effect on climate change?
I travel a lot and at one of my latest trip, this time to Mongolia, I was able to see with my own eyes the effect of climate change on...
How to build sustainable cities for a quality economic growth
According to the Vision 2050 from WBCSD, today, "we have what is needed to live well, within the limits of the planet: the scientific...
SDG 8: Excellent opportunities for a promising growth path
According to the WEF business could unlock 12 trillion USD in market opportunities by 2030 by reaching the UN’s Sustainable Development...
Breaking it down: Resilient Infrastructure, Sustainable Industrialization and Innovation
On Oct 29th I travelled with my family from Basel to Berlin by train. It was the day when a heavy storm raged in Northern Europe. Instead...
Fairtrade is important in reducing poverty
The first sustainable development goal has the objective to end poverty in all its forms everywhere by 2030. This means ensuring that all...